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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Thank You CBS for "In God's Name"

Earlier tonight as I was flipping through the channels on TV, I was captivated by an amazing documentary style show on CBS "In God's Name." Unfortunately I missed the first hour and I am anxious to find out if CBS will air this special again either on-air or on-line. This is a must see global conversation between 12 different religious leaders on current issues that are relevant to us all. While watching, I was eager to receive each word that seemed to validate my own belief. It was apparent that all of the leaders represented a diverse group of religions, yet agreed on so many things, and that the members of these religions combined total over 4 billion people. I was really awestruck at the wisdom and commonality shared in their messages relating to the issues addressed. It is my belief that the person who scheduled this program at CBS did so purposely at this time of year, when so many of us are exchanging gifts. Thank you CBS for the gift of "In God's Name."


sushi said...

can u tell me where can i see the full video. its not available on youtube. i had no chance to watch it because i live in india.

ISHIRLEYl said...

Jack, I called CBS today and spoke with someone in their programming department who indicated that there were currently no plans to re-air the program any time soon. I also visited the CBS store to see if I could find the program on DVD, but I didn't. I am going to call CBS again tomorrow to see if I can get more information as I would like to view the entire show too. Stay posted and I'll make sure to keep you updated.