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Saturday, December 8, 2007

It's A Winter Wonderland

It's beautiful outside with the blanket of white snow and beautiful inside as I type this post in the light from the Christmas tree. There are only seventeen more days until Christmas. Tonight I am in a somber mood as I reflect on the past year. So many things have happened in a year full of changes. I am blessed and thankful. As the days of 2007 count down to the New Year I will do my best to post relevant content to you, the reader. Then again, who are you? What would you like to read? Until the next time, I challenge you at the day's end, to reflect on the day and find one blessing in it that you are thankful for and write it down before you go to sleep. I had what I thought was a really bad day recently and that night I took pen to paper determined to find something that day that I was grateful for. The more I reflected, the more things I wrote. I started with the small things and before I knew it I had a list of blessings. That night, at the end of what I thought was a rough day, I felt convinced that it wasn't such a bad day after all and I fell asleep in peace. I wish the same for you.

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