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Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year 2008

What a year 2007 has been. It has been a year of great change as a result of courageous choices and life changing events. It is a year that I refused to settle in one aspect and where I have made compromises in another. This new year's eve I feel a great sense of achievement on one hand and an overwhelming feeling of the work ahead of me in the other. Somewhere in between my stomach is occasionally uneasy because I have traveled out of my comfort zone into new territory. As I step into 2008 to continue on the path already started, I am wide eyed and hopeful. I am giving this new year the best I have to offer. Goodbye to 2007 and Happy New Year 2008!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Thank You CBS for "In God's Name"

Earlier tonight as I was flipping through the channels on TV, I was captivated by an amazing documentary style show on CBS "In God's Name." Unfortunately I missed the first hour and I am anxious to find out if CBS will air this special again either on-air or on-line. This is a must see global conversation between 12 different religious leaders on current issues that are relevant to us all. While watching, I was eager to receive each word that seemed to validate my own belief. It was apparent that all of the leaders represented a diverse group of religions, yet agreed on so many things, and that the members of these religions combined total over 4 billion people. I was really awestruck at the wisdom and commonality shared in their messages relating to the issues addressed. It is my belief that the person who scheduled this program at CBS did so purposely at this time of year, when so many of us are exchanging gifts. Thank you CBS for the gift of "In God's Name."

Monday, December 17, 2007

Coal or Toys for Christmas, A 2007 Debate

"Have you finished your homework?" I asked my twelve year old son.

He lifted his head above his laptop and replied, "Mom, you've already asked me that three times already. Didn't you listen to me before?"

I remember thinking at that moment that I briefly saw him with his book and papers out from his backpack, but I was so busy myself that I must have lost track of time because I didn't remember asking or his answer. His grades have been improving and so all must be good. Later it was time for bed and I asked him to pick up a bit before going upstairs and to get his backpack ready for school.

My son exclaimed, "You didn't wash my gym clothes!"

By this time, I was already upstairs and my husband and son had some exchange of words as to whose responsibility it was to make sure his gym clothes got put in the dirty clothes to be washed so this wasn't happening again on Sunday night, before bedtime again. After it seemed that peace had been restored, I went to my son's room for the evening ritual of kissing his forehead, setting his sleep timer on his tv, and telling him goodnight. But there was something different. He was facing the wall, instead of the tv, and as I got closer wondering if he could have already fallen asleep, he was reading a book for school and his folder with his school papers was beside him. "I thought you already did your homework," I said.

My son nonchalantly informed me, "I read better in bed."

I asked, "Well, how much homework do you have left?"

He replied, "I have to finish this chapter and then answer the questions on the worksheet."

I said, "Well, from now on if you are going to read in bed and finish homework too, you will need to get into bed earlier. I hope you aren't up too late tonight. I love you, goodnight."

Then I got into bed with my husband and received a report on everything my son didn't do that I had asked him to do.

Does this sound familiar? Do you have a twelve year old? Did you ever get/give coal for Christmas? Have you ever wondered after being called "stupid" or backtalked to, if this Christmas, instead of toys you should give your child coal to teach them a lesson? I even thought maybe coal and then with every act of kindness I would unveil a gift he should have received on Christmas as positive reinforcement until he earned all his gifts. I caught myself praying for guidance last night and then I believe I woke up with the answer. While Christmas is about the birth of Jesus, and God's gift to us... I couldn't help but think of the gift Jesus gave us upon his death on the cross. In the spirit of forgiveness my son wont be opening up a box of coal this Christmas, but instead in honor of Jesus, he will be given gifts once again. If you have a son and are still looking for inspiration on what to buy, here is a link to some
gift ideas. Cheers to a wonderful celebration of the birth of Jesus on Christmas morning for all of us sinners to reflect on the best gift ever from God. Thank God for Jesus! Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum... In My Tum!

One of my favorite things to do with my son and my nephews is to bake cookies on Christmas Eve in between dinner and church service. I remember when my 12 year old son was younger and he would tolerate wearing a santa hat while we baked. Usually by the end of the recipe preperation experience, and after flour fell to the floor like snow, my son would have a whip cream beard and mustache. OK, so I put that whip cream on him and somewhere there is a picture of how cute and jolly he looked, but just the memory puts a twinkle in my eye. For Christmas here is a link to my favorite site for recipes and I wish you a jolly time making tasty treats that leave you and your family singing... yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... in my tum!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

It's A Winter Wonderland

It's beautiful outside with the blanket of white snow and beautiful inside as I type this post in the light from the Christmas tree. There are only seventeen more days until Christmas. Tonight I am in a somber mood as I reflect on the past year. So many things have happened in a year full of changes. I am blessed and thankful. As the days of 2007 count down to the New Year I will do my best to post relevant content to you, the reader. Then again, who are you? What would you like to read? Until the next time, I challenge you at the day's end, to reflect on the day and find one blessing in it that you are thankful for and write it down before you go to sleep. I had what I thought was a really bad day recently and that night I took pen to paper determined to find something that day that I was grateful for. The more I reflected, the more things I wrote. I started with the small things and before I knew it I had a list of blessings. That night, at the end of what I thought was a rough day, I felt convinced that it wasn't such a bad day after all and I fell asleep in peace. I wish the same for you.