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Monday, May 11, 2009

FREE Skin Cancer Screening at www.skincancer.org

Who knew that May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month? I didn't until I searched for information on my biopsy results and ended up on www.skincancer.org. You can search by state to find out when and where to go for a FREE skin cancer screening.

Since I didn't know what "Dysplastic Nevi" meant when the nurse called with my results I had to look it up. Basically, I had an atypical mole on my back and the mole removed from my arm came back normal. Nothing to worry about really since they already removed the questionable mole, but with my history I need to be diligent about being safe in the sun and I'll go back in three months for another skin check.

When was the last time you had your skin checked?

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