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Friday, June 10, 2011

JESUS Lives in You and Me As Children of God

I got into my car earlier today and the radio station was not coming in very clearly, almost as though two stations were crossing over into the signal competing to be heard. This was a perfect example of how I have been feeling for quite some time full of questions, praying for clarity, searching for the answer as to how much longer will the lesson take to learn that God is trying to teach me. But with all of the static and clatter that come with each day distracting me from the comfort of a knowledgeable answer that would provide some stability and security the cycle continues. However, as I drove further down the road the competing radio station clatter stopped to allow me to hear this song by Third Day - "Cry Out to Jesus" that reminds us we are not alone. I've included this video of the song if you'd like to watch and listen and need to be reminded too.

There seems to be a lot of people hurting, crying out to Jesus, and thinking when will the cycle change. I've seen people on television with education and experience that had management positions that were terminated from their jobs and unable to find another one in the same field. These people have become entrepreneurs, have learned new skills, are taking jobs they are over qualified for at much less pay to at least have some income. Losing everything to become financially and emotionally bankrupt. Never thinking this could happen to them. I look in the mirror and can relate all too well. In the past things always turned around so much sooner. Times between jobs were a weekend or at most a few months, but that is not now. People are making really tough choices and asking questions.

What is the lesson and how does it relate to my calling?
Should we connect with REAL people more often instead of in fantasy role playing games?
Should we value our friends and families more than material possessions?
How much longer will it all last before things are stable and headed in a positive direction?
What is the value of our relationships?
Should we all grow gardens or farm to ensure we can all eat?
Should we question if we really want to use money versus barter, trade, and build with our neighbors locally?

These questions seem to reflect something of a past time before the convenience and global resources of today. I have always thought of myself as a progressive person but money has seemed to complicate things. I understand economics and the benefit of a global market for cost savings, but just because we can do something should we? I remember when I first got a mobile phone and drove myself crazy answering it and trying to have meaningful conversations at the worst times and places. I finally realized that just because I had a mobile phone didn't mean I always had to answer it! I appreciate my voicemail. And speaking of appreciation, I have always been a very appreciative person. I value my family and friends. I have even questioned how much more could I during the past few years... what am I missing?

I believe in God. I believe things happen for a reason. These beliefs are very easy to hold close during the good times, but with any relationship during the bad times is when the relationship, even our relationship with God seems to be tested. More and more each day I realize how not alone I am in this thinking. I read others blog post, status updates, and even share experiences with friends in person. I am thankful to all of you for being able to share. I wish for you all to not feel alone.

Some people believe that there will be a second coming of Jesus as if it is in the future or maybe even just recently past. Since Jesus is God's son in the human form and we are all children of God, then there is a relation from God that connects all of us. God's love is all around us. Really doesn't Jesus live in you and me? Even though some people are a contradiction by being stuck and at the same time rushing through life not really living to grow God's love. These people are lost and yet lash out to those within arms reach. We would all be better off to love one another, look out for each other, and most of all be kind to each other.


P.S. Here's a video of Mark Schultz with "Love Has Come" from me to you...

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