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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

ABC's of 2009

In 2009:

A is for my new TBS affiliate website where you can get information on flat fee (vs typical percentage) pricing for pay per click bid management services, organic search engine result rankings, SEO optimization, and much more. Clients are typically on Google page 1 within 90 days for their keyword phrases. Many clients save so much money on the PPC side that they are able to use the money to pay for the organic ranking packages enabling them to experience higher conversions that result in a return on investment that is higher then they have ever received before. Helping people to obtain amazing results that no other SEO firm has produced for them is hugely satisfying for me. If you want to increase your sales, then email your contact information today.

B is for my twin baby girls that have brought more love, laugh, tears of joy, and a renewed will to be the best woman and mother that I can be. They are a true blessing.

C is for change that I hope, as well as so many others hope as well, President Obama will bring this great country. Change to improve our lives with the safe return of our troops while keeping our nation safe as well, the health care we need to keep us well, the stimulus we need to boost our economy out of the slump it has been in, and so much more. President Obama has a challenge ahead of him to live up to all of the hopes the American people have for him. With each successful change he will keep hope alive. And with each change I believe all of us that have been adversely effected will be able to stand a little taller, sleep a little sounder, and smile a lot wider. I know I sure will.


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