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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Website Content That Search Engines CRAVE

Five things to keep in mind to achieve the best organic ranking on a major search engine (i.e. Google) when it comes to creating content for your website, or to it. Keep the content:

Current and fresh
Accurate landing pages to decrease your bounce rate and increase conversions
Visually easy to navigate with fast loading pages
Endorsements gained from diversified inbound links*

*Inbound links to your site (from relevant blogs, social network site profiles, text, emails) that result from content created with all of the above in mind combined with the great product or service that you provide to serve as an endorsement or digital "word of mouth" marketing creating a buzz.

To create the type of content that search engines crave can be time consuming. If you want this type of content, but don't have the time to create it, contact me by calling 800-725-1867 or email slassiter@thinkbigsites.com. My team of professionals have made a habit of keeping the pulse on Google to feed it what it craves for clients just like you, and for others that are nothing like you at all.

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