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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Blogger versus Wordpress or Both

I have been contemplating moving my blog to Wordpress with the thought that my post would be more searchable. Which seems confusing because Google is the most used search engine so why wouldn't Blogger have the the leg up on this?

Let me know your thoughts on this... should I continue bloggining on blogger, switch to wordpress, or post to both? Although I don't think search engines like duplicate content from multiple websites so that would mean I would have to have different content on both. So, if I did that maybe instead of my eclectic thoughts on one I could split my blogging on one site to personal and the other to strictly professional.

I'm all over the place on this and looking forward to your comments.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Summer 2009

Its cool out tonight and I have the windows barely cracked enough to still hear the crickets chirping. It wasn't a very hot summer and luckily the temperatures were low enough to make it through without cranking up the electric bill with the central air. We saved on water this summer too as it seems to have rained on a pretty consistent basis to water the grass and flowers planted in a couple containers.

School will start the middle of next week as summers end is near. The daylight hours are starting to lessen and I've already noticed a couple leaves have turned on the parkway tree. So many baseball games, birthday celebrations, and walks with the twins in the stroller around the block.

Last summer I was so uncomfortable physically while pregnant with the twins. This summer I found out I have some neck, lower back, and hip issues which were probably exacerbated by the pregnancy and I am going to physical therapy for. It is helping. But even though my body is feeling better there is a sadness that has come over me as the summer ends.

My son has become a young man. He's taller than me this summer. For the first time he picked out his back to school clothes instead of me shopping for him. And now I realize that he has a style that looks good, but is not exactly in line with what I would have gotten for him. I'm appreciating the space that he needs to show his Independence and at the same time realizing that no matter how much space comes between us, my pride and love for him is infinite.

Ali and Elli have had a summer of first word, tooth, sit, crawl, food, and more. Elli is a real go getter and Ali has a way of charming you into doing things for her. I still pinch myself that I have daughters after I spent over a decade pretty sure I would never again marry, let alone have more children. And, I am so glad that I did!

Speaking of marriage... my husband and I celebrated our second wedding anniversary this summer and this coming labor day weekend will mark the anniversary of our first date four years ago. We have spent more time together this summer than we had planned. It has been good in some ways and not so good in other ways. We are looking ahead to the fall to turn over a few new leaves towards a more positive direction.