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Thursday, August 28, 2008

God Works In Mysterious Ways

It's been some time since my last post and so I will do my best to summarize the last few months. I wasn't sure if I was going to or really how to write about this, but here it goes... Earlier this year on a Saturday in February I pulled back my hair to put it up in a pony tail and discovered an ugly black spot on a birthmark that I have had all my life in my hairline at my right temple. Within a week I was at the dermatogist office to have a biopsy and then a week later I had surgery to remove the entire birthmark and some surrounding tissue due to the most common form of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma. With the side of my head shaved and 13 stitches, my video blogging on the MoreWebsiteTraffic channel went on hiatus. Focused on my recovery and finishing my Spring semester of graduate classes I had no idea that I had a new beginning ahead of me that would be life changing. In mid-March I found out that my husband and I were expecting, by May the doctor revealed on ultrasound that we were expecting TWINS! We now know that the twins are identical twin girls. God truely works in mysterious ways. Today on the 28th of August I am 28 weeks pregnant and very much looking forward to our family growing in late October or early November with the new additions. God bless.